May 11, 2014

Modular UIViewController Features

This article is an edited version of a University of Waterloo work term report, “Modular UIViewController Implementations” for Endemic Mobile Inc., where I interned from September 2013–April 2014. Thank you to the Endemic team for everything I learned about maintainability and native mobile development in those 8 months.

In iOS mobile applications, UIViewController subclasses are often the largest and most complex source code files in a project repository. Complexity arises naturally from the nature of the features that controllers contain; syncing up to multiple data sources to show content to a user, performing image processing in the background, etc. This makes UIViewController a prime candidate for careful modular design.

Modular code is a crucial aspect of a maintainable codebase. Dave Thomas, one of two authors of The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master (Hunt, 2000) writes,

… if you have more than one way to express the same thing, at some point the two or three different representations will most likely fall out of step with each other. Even if they don’t, you’re guaranteeing yourself the headache of maintaining them in parallel whenever a change occurs. And change will occur. [The “don’t repeat yourself” software engineering principle] is important if you want flexible and maintainable software.

Base classes are one strategy for writing modular controllers. This is well suited for framework-level functionality that a team would like to be available to every controller they write. Sometimes, it is even a good way to give a specific set of controllers functionality. However, this doesn’t always work for a complex feature set. If a controller needs feature A and feature B, then since Objective C doesn’t support multiple inheritance, it can’t inherit the functionality from both AViewController and BViewController; another strategy is needed.

This article discusses two different strategies for implementing a module for a UIViewController feature. First, an example feature specification will be implemented directly in a controller with no module. The implementation will then be made modular with the use of a helper class. Finally, after an introduction to categories and associated objects, a second modular implementation will be given that uses categories. As these two module implementations each have pros and cons, at the end of this article they will be compared.

The content of this article assumes that the reader has basic knowledge and understanding of iOS development and the Objective-C programming language.

Sharing Photos

Consider an example feature specification, which will accompany the rest of this article. In a mobile application, users have set each of their accounts up with an avatar. This feature would allow them to share their avatars to a social network of their choosing. The user interface for this feature is a button and a list of options; users will first tap the button to access a list of social networks to share the avatar to, and then select from the list to share the photo.

Additionally, this feature should appear in several places in the application. Perhaps this will happen in the app where the user sees his or her profile, or in the place where the user views photos, etc. Where this feature appears is not as important as the fact that it has to be implemented in several UIViewControllers.

Although the goal is to implement a module for this feature, first it will be implemented via copy-and-paste into each UIViewController as follows.

@implementation MyViewController : UIViewController 

// Note: This code snippet only includes relevant pieces of code, and leaves
// out a lot of other boilerplate code that would be involved in actually 
// implementing a UIViewController

// Share button
@synthesize shareButton;
// UIImage avatar
@synthesize avatar;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Set up the share button
    [shareButton addTarget:self action:@selector(shareButtonTapped) 

- (void)shareButtonTapped {
    // Show the user the sharing options
    UIActionSheet *popup = [[UIActionSheet alloc] 
                  initWithTitle:@"Select Sharing option:" 
              otherButtonTitles:@"Share on Facebook", 
                                @"Share on Twitter", nil];
    [popup showInView:self.view];

- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet 
            didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
    if (buttonIndex == 0) {
        [self share:@"facebook"];
    } else if (buttonIndex == 1) {
        [self share:@"twitter"];

- (void)share:(NSString *)type {
    if (avatar) {
        // Hide the progress dialog and share using social APIs based on type...
    } else {
        // Asynchronously download and process avatar picture on other thread &
        // initialize avatar and call this method again
        // ...

        // Show a progress dialog while waiting for downloading and processing
        // to complete
        // ...


Helper Class Modules

The transition to a more modular design is not terribly difficult. However, there are several caveats. One concern is that whatever module that encapsulates this logic must be able to access certain properties of the controller (in this photo sharing example, a property of the controller that needs to be accessed is the view property). Another concern is that this module needs to have mutable state; with the current non-modular design, the avatar UIImage needs to be stored somehow. Finally, the module must be able to expose a method, so that interfaces such as addTarget:action:forControlEvents: can be used.

With these issues in mind, all the logic that was implemented for the controller can be put into a helper class. Since most of the getter methods for UIViewController are public, we can just keep a reference to the controller in the helper class to access the view property. We can also keep the UIImage stored as a property. Finally, the helper class can serve as a target for an instance method that is defined on it. Here is some sample code for the new helper class, along with the updated source code for MyViewController.

// ShareAvatarHelper.m
@implementation ShareAvatarHelper

// Controller
@synthesize controller;
// UIImage avatar
@synthesize avatar;

- (id)initWithController:(UIViewController *)c {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        controller = c;
    return self;

- (void)shareButtonTapped {
    // Select the sharing option
    UIActionSheet *popup = [[UIActionSheet alloc] 
                  initWithTitle:@"Select Sharing option:" 
              otherButtonTitles:@"Share on Facebook", 
                                @"Share on Twitter", nil];
    [popup showInView:controllerView];

- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet 
            didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
    // same as before

- (void)share:(NSString *)type {
    // same as before

// MyViewController.m
#import "ShareAvatarHelper.h"

@implementation MyViewController

// Share button
@synthesize shareButton;
// Share helper
@synthesize shareHelper;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Set up the share helper object
    shareHelper = [[ShareAvatarHelper alloc] initWithController:self];

    // Set up the share button
    // Note: The target is now shareHelper
    [shareButton addTarget:shareHelper action:@selector(shareButtonTapped) 


Note that it is critical to keep a retained reference to the helper object after it has been allocated. Most objects that contain delegates (i.e. UIActionSheet, UIAlertView) hold an assign reference to the delegate; this means that these interfaces won’t retain their delegates (UIActionSheet Class Reference, 2013; UIAlertView Class Reference, 2014). The addTarget:action:forControlEvents interface does not retain target, either (UIControl Class Reference, 2011). If the helper object is not retained as a property or otherwise, it will be garbage collected after the scope of the method ends and the components will produce a segmentation fault whenever they try to execute a method on it.

But, when properly implemented, this is much better! A method defined within ShareAvatarHelper is set to be called for the UIControl event. The integration of the module in a controller is concise: just import the ShareAvatarHelper header file, add the new helper property, initialize the helper in a controller initialization method, and hook it up to the user interface.

Although iOS mobile application developers are fortunate that it is already this easy to “add a method” to a controller, there is another good alternative. In particular, instead of implementing a helper object that contains the functionality in an instance method, using Objective-C’s categories allows developers to implement a helper method.

Category Modules

Categories are, in essence, method modules. According to the Apple developer documentation, “a category can be declared for any class, … [and] at runtime, there’s no difference between a method added by a category and one that is implemented by the original class.” Note that any method that is defined in the implementation file for a category will be added to a class at runtime, not just ones that are declared in the header file.

Remember that the requirements for these helper modules were that it could access the properties of the controllers that use it, that it had mutable state, and that it exposed a method for the functionality. There are two major concerns when using Objective-C categories as a helper module under these conditions. The first is that declaring the same method in two places (i.e. in two categories, or in one category as well as in an original implementation) produces undefined behaviour. The second concern is that categories don’t (really) have properties.

Writing Safe Method Declarations

The following is a warning from Apple docs about Objective-C categories.

If the name of a method declared in a category is the same as a method in the original class, or a method in another category on the same class (or even a superclass), the behavior is undefined as to which method implementation is used at runtime (Programming With Objective-C: Customizing Existing Classes, 2012).

That’s scary. If a category is applied to a controller, and the methods that are added by the category do not follow a special naming convention, then subtle bugs will likely appear. There are no warnings shown in the XCode development environment when a method is declared twice in two different places. The method that is being declared for the second time might even work as expected if the runtime happens to choose it—but the method implementation that was declared in the other place won’t ever be executed.

A disciplined developer can use the following two techniques to write category code that is much less easy to break. A simple naming convention is the first: prepending methods names exposed by the category with some shorthand of the name of the category. For example, the method exposed by the category implementation of this article’s example feature module will be shareav_shareButtonTapped.

The second technique is to hide any helper methods that do not need to be exposed to the controller. In practice, this may not be necessary as certain features can be implemented entirely in a single method. However, one way to perform this encapsulation is to instantiate a helper class within the method exposed by the category, and use Objective-C’s associated objects framework to retain that reference for the lifetime of the controller. This is how the example avatar sharing feature category module will be implemented: ShareAvatarHelper will be used within the category!

Using Associated Objects

An associated object is essentially a dynamic property. Using the Objective-C runtime framework, a developer can set and get associated objects of some target object using a key as follows:

#import "objc/runtime.h"

// Associated objects are accessed via a constant void* key.
// This value is like an identifier.

@implementation MyClass : NSObject

// NSString
@synthesize myProperty;

- (void)myMethod {
    // Setting and getting myProperty using getter and setter methods
    [self setMyProperty:@"Hello!"];
    NSLog(@"%@", [self myProperty]);

    // Setting and getting an associated object using the Objective-C runtime
    // framework.

    // Note: using OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC is the same as declaring
    // a property with (retain, nonatomic) keywords in the header file.

    objc_setAssociatedObject(self, MY_ASSOCIATED_OBJECT_KEY, 
            @"Hello, associated objects!", OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
    NSLog(@"%@", objc_getAssociatedObject(self, MY_ASSOCIATED_OBJECT_KEY));


The implementation for the example feature category module will use the associated objects framework to properly retain the helper class for the lifetime of the controller.

Implementing an Avatar Sharing Category

Bringing the ideas detailed in the previous sections together, and using the previously-implemented ShareAvatarHelper class, here is an implementation of an avatar sharing category for controllers.

// UIViewController+ShareAvatar.m
#import "objc/runtime.h"
#import "ShareAvatarHelper.h"


@implementation UIViewController (ShareAvatar)

-(void)shareav_shareButtonTapped {
    // Create a ShareAvatarHelper and associate it with `self`.
    // Note that `self` is the instance of the controller that this category has
    // been applied to.
    ShareAvatarHelper *helper = [[ShareAvatarHelper alloc] initWithController:self];
    objc_setAssociatedObject(self, SHARE_AVATAR_IMPL_KEY, helper, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

    // Call the shareButtonTapped method in the helper object
    [helper shareButtonTapped];

// MyViewController.m
#import "UIViewController+ShareAvatar.h"

@implementation MyViewController : UIViewController

// Share button
@synthesize shareButton;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Set up the share button
    [shareButton addTarget:self action:@selector(shareav_shareButtonTapped)

This category module implementation has satisfied all the requirements of the example module. It holds mutable state using the helper class and some clever usage of the associated objects framework. It gets access to controller properties by default, since it is a category of UIViewController. Lastly, of course, it exposes a method; that is the very point of categories!

Category Modules vs. Helper Class Modules

The implementation of MyViewController using the category is even simpler than using the helper class. There are no extra properties needed, and no helper class initialization to be done. The developer that integrates this module does not have to worry about retaining an instance of the helper class. The #import directive adds the shareav_shareButtonTapped method to the class automatically, and since the method’s name is prefixed by the name of the category, there shouldn’t be any double method declaration issues. Additionally, using categories is something that most iOS developers have experience with; there are several commonly-used open source categories available to add helpful methods to objects such as UIColor and UIImage.

That being said, there is some extra complexity in the implementation of a category module as opposed to a regular helper class module. In making the integration of the module simpler, the implementation has used two relatively obtuse pieces of the Objective-C framework: categories and associated objects. While it is true that developers who are integrating helper class modules have to make sure to properly retain the instances of the helper object, categories and associated objects are concepts that don’t often have equivalents in other programming languages. This means that a developer that is not familiar with Objective-C would likely not be able to use their knowledge of other programming languages to understand how a category module that uses associated objects works. In different ways, both strategies require a certain level of expertise with the Objective-C language.


Hunt, A., & Thomas, D. (2000). The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.

Programming With Objective-C: Customizing Existing Classes. (2012, December 13). Retrieved May 2, 2014, from

UIActionSheet Class Reference. (2013, September 12). Retrieved May 2, 2014, from

UIAlertView Class Reference. (2014, February 11). Retrieved May 2, 2014, from

UIControl Class Reference. (2011, September 28). Retrieved May 2, 2014, from