Old Posts

Preparing for UW Co-op, Part I

June 18, 2014

All throughout the year, students like myself from the University of Waterloo who study Computer Science, Software Engineering, and related programs are co-oping (Americans, read: interning) all around North America. From Canadian companies like Shopify, Kik and Thalmic Labs to big-name Silicon Valley companies such as Google, Microsoft and Apple to startups going through Y-Combinator, you'll find students from the University of Waterloo. I think this is fantastic, and I am very pleased to be a part of it all.

Modular UIViewController Features

May 11, 2014

In iOS mobile applications, UIViewController subclasses are often the largest and most complex source code files in a project repository. Complexity arises naturally from the nature of the features that controllers contain; syncing up to multiple data sources to show content to a user, performing image processing in the background, etc. This makes UIViewController a prime candidate for careful modular design.

8tracks, meet mpd. mpd, meet 8tracks.

August 17, 2013

At school, we use mpd to play music, and, largely, ncmpcpp for our mpd client. Though we have an extensive music library, sometimes the internet is our friend when it comes to music: some songs might only be available on youtube, for example. I use the 8tracks platform a lot at home and on the go to listen to music when I don’t feel like making up a playlist. This post will be about our method of queueing youtube videos and also the 8tracks mpd client which I wrote today.

BitBucket, my love

July 18, 2013

I am currently taking CS246: Object Oriented Software Design at the University of Waterloo. I will post about my awesome rogue-like game final project which lead me to this discovery later; right now I want to praise BitBucket. It is the best source code hosting website for students. Read on to find out why.

Write a function, Coop => {Coop, Copo, Cpoo, oCop, oCpo, ooCp, oopC, opCo, opoC, pCoo, poCo, pooC}

July 17, 2013

The first two months of my summer term were fraught with the responsibilities necessary for finding a job. Though I don’t have a lot of experience searching for jobs, I consider the co-op program at the University of Waterloo (where I study Computer Science) to be pretty great. Indeed, through it I’ve found my first full-time position of employment in my field —- Software Developer at Relay! Additionally, I’ve gained a lot of job searching skills. This post will talk about my experience with the University of Waterloo co-op program (with resume tips!) and I’ll post about my new employment in the future sometime.

Setting up xmobar on xmonad

June 15, 2013

Everybody who has encountered me while I’m using a computer has probably been shown my wonderful window manager, xmonad. I had been using it without xmobar, which is a neat info-bar, for a fairly significant reason: Whenever xmobar was run, it would hide behind other windows. Additionally, after I fixed that, I was annoyed that there was no easy-to-find configuration for the weather plugin. This blog post will talk about how these things were fixed.